Monday, March 11, 2013

Costume Parade - Monday, March 18th!

Just a reminder that the Costume Parade will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm. 
This is just under a week away so please let me know if you have any questions about your costume(s)! 
We will meet in the Main Hall (larger room) of the Senior Center.  If everyone is on time and attentive, we should be done within an hour.  Please be on time so your group does not have to wait for you! 

Unless specifically excused, please be there even if I have already seen your costume.  A costume may be approved on its own, but sometimes small changes are needed so it will look better with the group as a whole -- a scarf, ribbon, etc...

Here's how the costume parade will work:
1.  Actors AND a parent or guardian should attend.
2.  Actors should arrive in costume. (If you have more than one costume, please see below for more info.)
3.  Actors should find the rest of their group (Sea Creatures, Sailors, Chefs, etc...)
4.  I will then look at each groups' costumes and give notes (examples:  everything is great, please change the purple socks to black socks, please add a colored scarf, etc...)

** ** ** ** **

If you have more than one costume, please follow these instructions:  

Ariel & Mersisters-- please come in your Mermaid costume and bring your dresses

Carlotta -- please come in your Carlotta costume and bring your Sailor Costume

Chefs -- please come in your chef costume and bring your Sea Creature/Sailor Costume/Grimsby/Pilot costume (Megan, come dressed as Chef Louis and bring your other chef costume)

Gulls -- please come in your gull costume and bring your Sailor Costume (Sierra & Rachel, please come dressed as Scuttle with anything different and bring your other gull costume)

Sea Chorus & Flotsam & Jetsam - please come in your Sea Chorus/Flotsam/Jetsam costume & bring your Tentacle pieces

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